A Memory of Fire

James Howell

VIII: The Sadist

The Chainsaw

The Evil Within 2
breaks the relationship between player and character to rejoin them in power, just as it did with Sebastian's revolver. We resume control after Sebastian picks up the chainsaw. This weapon, which we never acquired for combat in The Evil Within, is his gift.

The game reinforces that both player and character, unified, share dominance over The Sadist. Moments prior, we met The Sadist from the ground up, following his leg to focus on the blade, as Sebastian prepared to run. Now, we receive control of Sebastian through the same camera shot, but he has altered the terms of that control. We cannot alter his course. We can only provide momentum toward his goal.

The button-mashing sequence bonds the player and character further still. We demonstrate resolve by pressing X, without which Sebastian's pressure will not break The Sadist's butcher knife. The player/character relationship still matters, but in a way different before.

Every weakness has become powerful enough to destroy every threat. The knife — the first weapon turned against Sebastian in The Evil Within — breaks.

Like the revolver, Sebastian's new weapon expresses more than his inner healing. It re-defines the player/character relationship in terms of shared strength. We realize the depth of that strength when Sebastian confronts The Keeper.

<< VIII: The Sadist | Sublimation                 IX: The Keeper  >>

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